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Deep Moiré combines coding and graphic design to turn data into interactive experiences that unveil trends and inform decision making.


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Deep Moiré is a freelencer practice created by Vincenzo Montefusco in 2018. Using data visualization, live infographics and interactive storytelling, he supports organizations and businesses to explore, understand and communicate data.

Data visualization engineer with experience in interactive maps and data-driven visualizations, he manages the entire design, including data recollection, data processing, databases connection, UX and UI, graphics customization and responsive design for multiple devices.

He previously worked for international design companies as
computational engineer and data visualization specialist. From 2014, he worked in Paris at EGIS Group,  Stuttgart at RFR and Milan at ARUP, and eventually started his freelance path as Deep Moiré in 2018.

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In the first phase we define together the goals and expectations for the project: it includes the understanding of source, availability and structure of the dataset we want to visualize.


I provide a series of example and references for different visualization methods, and support you in the choiche of the solution would fit best the initial aims.


In the second phase I develop a demo version of the final product, where a smaller part of the dataset is analysed and visualized, including preliminary user experience features. 

This first version is fondamental to set up the data connection with the source dataset and create the code structure which will be the backbone of the entire project.


In this phase all the projects aspect are fully developed, and the whole dataset is integrated and optimized to facilitate the future updates of the source ant the product maintenance.


All the graphical aspects, such as map styles, fonts, colors, layers appareance, buttons, transitions, are customized and personalized to match the overall style.

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